In Remembrance of Walter A. Wright

If you would like to donate to honor Walter's memory, his family invites you to support a student in the Legal Studies Program. CLICK HERE to "Make a Gift" to Texas State University for this purpose. Search for "other Texas State University programs" and type "Political Science" in that box. Select "Political Science Department."
Click the down arrow next to "Tribute Information," check the box for "This is an honor or memorial gift," select "In Memory of" as "Tribute Gift Type," enter "Walter Wright," and then click "Continue" and go from there. The department will earmark these funds to award one or more scholarships to a Legal Studies student in Walter’s name.
Please click on the link below if you would like to write a condolence message to Walter’s family, share a fond memory, or provide a tribute to Walter’s unparalleled legacy. Thank you for taking the time to share about this ever-beloved human!
It broke my heart to learn of Professor Wright's passing. I took his Mediation Class during the fall of 2023 at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin. He was such a caring person, and his class brought me so many friends. His class was fun because it was one of the few classes in law school where we practiced resolving complicated issues. I will always remember his stories of mediating and the book he had us read for class. I am thinking of his family during this time.
Tessa Slagle
Texas Law
Con muchas tristeza esta mi corazòn por la enorme perdida de nuestro querido Walter White, pero muy orgullosa de haber sido su amiga y se queda en mi el recuerdo de todas sus enseñanzas y su gran amistad. QEPD
Francisca Castro Álvarez
Dallas Tex.
Walter was my Co-Chair of the Collaborative Law/Alternative Dispute Resolution Innovations Team. This Team has not yet completed its Mission. Walter was an invaluable co-leader of the Team's Project. The Teams Vision includes the empowerment of lawyers to be "healers of human conflict". The Team's loss of Walter's contributions to this Vision is not replaceable. However, the Team has pledged to carry on despite our loss of Walter's invaluable contributions.
The Team's goal Mission and Goals are to be accomplished by the publication of two Reports. The 1st Report will be addressed to the community of Collaborative Law practitioners. The 2nd Report will be addressed to the community of law practitioners. The Team will dedicate both of these Reports to Walter.
Walter true to his character and history of generosity had volunteered to be the principal draftsman of these two Reports. Walter was ideally suited for this role for many reasons. One of them was Walter's unique ability in his gentle manner to resolve and transcend tensions in divergent viewpoints among Team members. Another value was Walter's great depth of scholarship, teaching, and practical experience in the field of conflict resolution.
The Team will do its best to make our two Reports worthy of honoring Walter's vast contribution to the field of "healing human conflict".
Walter, it was an honor to share a leadership role with you. I miss you and I am deeply grieved by your passing.
Richard Shannon, Chair, SBOT Collaborative Law Section, CL/ADR Innovations Team
Richard A. Shannon
Austin, TX
I want to recognize that Walter Wright is one of the mediators I encountered over my years representing my former employer as the HR Director. I specifically remember the mediation encounter in 2019 because it was unusual, and Walter was so patient and gracious to all the parties. I remember how he was able to point out to the plaintiff how his position would play out in a courtroom, and we were able to get the settlement because of his patience and kindness. Walter was my inspiration to become a mediator. I didn’t get the opportunity to talk to him about it when I met him at one of the conferences in the last couple of years. I’m sure we could have had a laugh about the memory of that mediation.
Terri Francell
I have been at a loss for words since learning the sad news. I know there is nothing I that I can say to ease your pain at Walter’s passing. He was a very kind man, one to be admired and emulated. He brought thoughtfulness and collegiality to our department. He is and will continue to be missed greatly. My deepest condolences to all of you.
Cecilia Castillo
Buda, Texas
I had the profound honor of knowing Walter for over 20 years. If you ever had the opportunity to review Dr. Walter Wright's CV, you would begin to grasp the extraordinary breadth of his legal expertise, intelligence, and mastery in mediation, teaching, management, writing, and public speaking—all accomplished in multiple languages.
I had the privilege of collaborating with Walter on two different boards of directors, as a co-mediator, and as a co-presenter at various lectures. I was also honored to teach his classes during his sabbatical, quickly realizing that stepping into his role was no small task. His students deeply loved and respected him, and his impact on them will never be forgotten.
One notable achievement not yet reflected on his CV was his nomination as a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. While he passed away before the induction ceremony, he was posthumously honored with this distinction. It was my privilege to deliver a tribute to him at the event.
Walter’s influence extended far beyond his academic and professional accomplishments. As a professor and mentor, he inspired students to become not only better professionals but also better individuals. His reputation in legal and mediation circles was legendary. On a personal level, he was a cherished friend whose warmth and wisdom enriched the lives of those around him.
One particularly fond memory I hold dear is a dinner my husband and I shared with Walter and Daphne at Trattoria Lisina—a moment of camaraderie and joy we had just recently planned to repeat. I am heartbroken we did not get that opportunity.
Walter’s kindness, brilliance, and friendship were truly inspirational. His absence leaves an irreplaceable void, but his legacy will continue to inspire us all for years to come. He will be deeply missed.
Milena Christopher
Dripping Springs, Texas
It was my great pleasure to know Walter from the time of his first arrival as a colleague in the Political Science Department. He impressed me from the outset as a man of great integrity, honesty, and goodwill. He was a fantastic teacher, a dedicated scholar, and an amiable colleague and a true gentleman. We shared a common interest in law and mediation. Indeed, Walter was a personal embodiment of peace making and conciliation. This was a precious commodity in our department where combative debates were not uncommon. He truly was a gentle man. Always listening and discerning ways in which he could 'mediate' tense discussion. Moreover, though a man of great talent and accomplishment, he was humble of heart. It was with sorrow that I heard the news of his passing. But that sorrow is mixed with fond remembrance of the fine example he gave to us all of humble and self-giving service in which kindness, generosity and goodness ultimately thrive. My prayers are with Walter and his family.
Bob Gorman
New Braunfels Texas
I've attempted to write this about 4 or 5 times now, and have been unable to get through it. So here we are on the eve of Walter's memorial service, and I feel I need to put an effort towards finishing. But, honestly, how can I try to encapsulate what Walter Wright meant to me? I'd love to call Walter a mentor, but whatever "mentor-mentee" relationship we had I feel was cut woefully short. I would call Walter a teacher, which is obviously true, but it really understates his impact on my life. I'm proud to be able to call Walter a friend, but at the same time it's heartbreaking to think I won't be able to see my friend and talk with him in person again. I think what I've settled on as the best way to describe this mentor, teacher, and friend is to say simply: Walter Wright was (and continues to be) an inspiration.
The last time I saw Walter was in Austin in November 2024. He was taking some of us who had helped coach the role plays in his 40-hour basic mediation course out to lunch as a thank you. At the end of the lunch, after the others had left, Walter and I stood at the door of the restaurant talking excitedly about the future. The last thing he said to me when we parted was, "Clay, I just really like you and want to help you in any way I can." As bittersweet as it is now, I'll always cherish those final words. They were emblematic of who Walter was. The only solace I've found in the last few months as I've tried to make sense of Walter's passing is this: he's not really "gone". No one who made that kind of positive difference in the lives of others can ever be.
Walter impacted countless lives for the better with his dedication to mediation and making the world a more peaceful place. And those he taught and helped and cared about will continue to pass his lessons on to others, expanding that impact exponentially. His legacy will continue to be felt in the days and years ahead, and our shared future will be better because of the things he did. At the end of the day, I'm simply left with gratitude. I'm just so thankful to have known Walter Wright and be one of the many whose lives he made better.
Clay Avery
Pflugerville, TX
Honoring Walter Wright
A visit with Walter Wright during TAM conferences was always a highlight for me. Each year, we laughed over our running joke about him being my “son.” That’s right—years ago, I gave birth to Walter’s mediation career, or so we liked to say. It all started when new mediators in Houston were organizing programs to introduce the public to mediation. Walter’s insatiable curiosity led him to meet with us. From the very first “Hello,”
spirit, attitude, and values marked him as an influential star in the mediation world.
Our annual conversations gave us a chance to catch up and share personal news. The most meaningful part of Walter’s life was not the performance we saw on the professional stage, but the work he did behind the scenes on the stage crew. He gave priority to being a loving, caring husband and father. It was important to meet the needs of his family and add pleasure to their lives. Somehow, he mastered the art of balancing it all.
Walter’s legacy shines through in his writings, speeches, and teachings, leaving an indelible mark on the mediation field worldwide. Each of us who knew him has our own superlatives to describe this extraordinary colleague.
As an educator, Walter imparted knowledge. As a leader, he encouraged us to follow. As role model, he inspired us to emulate his professional activities. The “Wright light” continues to illuminate the way, guiding us as we navigate our individual careers. To honor Walter, let us all strive to set our sights a little higher and carry forward the values he so beautifully embodied.
Submitted by Laury Adams,
Past TAM President, Longest TAM member, and Recruiter
Laury Adams
To us all, Walter was larger than life. My condolences to his family and friends. My heart is so heavy. Since Walter’s passing, I have been looking up the sky more and I have been putting my hand on his office door, realizing that I will never, ever forget him and all he has done for so many people. Walter will be sorely missed, but his warm heart will stay with us. Rest in Peace, my friend.
Hyun Jung Yun
San Marcos
Walter was the catalyst for the formation of the Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center. Since our humble beginnings in October of 2010, he was there to support us by providing training, encouragement, and moral support. He also volunteered for us. He helped us with Spanish speaking mediations and at times with those difficult mediations that only someone with his level of expertise could do. In the beginning we served only Hays County. We have grown to serve Comal, Caldwell, and Guadalupe counties. We now have offices in both Hays and Comal counties. The Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center is proud to be a part of his legacy.
Martha Joyce
San Marcos,
Walter was a dear friend and colleague in the alternate dispute resolution community for many years. It was a pleasure to work with such an intelligent, kind and compassionate person. Walter will be genuinely missed. My sincerest sympathies to Daphne and the family.
Larry Maxwell
Dr. Wright was my favorite professor at Texas State. He helped me get into law school by writing me letters of rec for my applications. He was an amazing soul and he will be deeply missed. I am glad I had the pleasure of learning from him.
Danielle Broyles
Houston, Texas
Walter Wright was a pioneer in the alternative dispute resolution and mediation community. He was a phenomenal, professional, caring, and an exceptional leader in the field of mediation. A professor, presenter, trainer, mentor, and teacher, Walter was always generous with his talent, expertise, information, and insights. Walter trained mediators, in the United States and internationally, in both English and Spanish. Walter worked with multiple dispute resolution centers to train new mediators in Texas.
I will always remember Walter Wright. I was privileged to join his team on a panel for an annual symposium for the Texas Mediators Credentialing Association. He made me feel valued and respected on the panel and in the field. Walter was an amazing resource on ethics. Walter was so easy to approach. On more than one occasion, I had an ethics-related question arise and without hesitation sought out advice from Walter. He was quick to respond and share valuable information and guidance.
Walter is unmatched and unsurpassed as a soft-spoken, humble, virtual giant that exemplifies the mediator characteristics that I believe most of our community strive to achieve. Thank you, Walter!
Darcy Thompson
I was shocked and saddened to learn that my colleague and friend Walter Wright had died. I have known Walter since he arrived at Texas State. It didn’t take long to see that he would be a wonderful teacher. He was passionate about teaching and quickly developed a reputation for being as caring as he was demanding. Postings in this memorial reflect that many former students consider him a mentor and role model. I think of him as a role model for everyone. He was quiet man who could be very persuasive. And his ability to calmly bring people together was on display in every faculty meet he participated in. It was not uncommon for me to leave a meeting, especially one that was contentious, thinking I would try to be more like Walter. He was a kind, caring, and wonderful person. My condolence to his family and loved ones.
Paul Kens
I was sitting in my office in the fall of 1988, dissatisfied with the practice of law and wondering what else I could do with my law degree when I got a call from Walter, who I had only recently met through his wonderful wife, Daphne Levy, who I'd previously worked with. He said, I'm starting a mediation company. I think you'd be a good mediator. Would you be interested in being on my panel of mediators? In the fall of 1988, the obvious question was What's mediation? When he explained it me I said You mean they pay people for that? From that day forward, I knew it was what I was meant to do and going to do for the rest of my life.
He then gave me what is still today one of the best mediation training's I've ever received that gave me a foundation to begin my mediation practice. Next, he suggested I take the Harris County Dispute Resolution Center's mediation training in 1989 which allowed me to conduct the first several mediations I had ever conducted. They were pro bono community mediations and that invaluable experience is still paying dividends. Not long thereafter came my first paid mediations through Walter's company, Mediation, Inc., including a case of first impression with over $1,000,000 at issue. Without Walter's offer, instruction and advice, I'm not sure where I'd be today.
As many of you know, Walter was fluent in Spanish and was instrumental in assisting Argentina in setting up one of the most comprehensive mediation programs in the world at that time. A program that is still going strong. He always encouraged me to improve my Spanish so I could eventually use it in my mediation practice. At his suggestion, and with his help, he urged me to apply to give a presentation in Spanish at an international mediation conference in Buenos Aires. Much to my surprise, they accepted my proposal and it was the first presentation that I had ever given in Spanish. Perhaps the scariest 20 minutes of my life. In no small part because of his inspiration, urging and assistance, I regularly use Spanish in my mediation practice.
As I think many of us in mediation do, I pinch myself regularly, so thankful for this amazing life mediation has brought me. As I began law school and my legal practice I never envisioned myself being so content with my profession and my life. For my entire career, I have always felt that I would not be here if it weren't for Walter. In his modest way, he would always say that I would have eventually found mediation even without him. I'm not so sure.
I was immensely saddened and shocked when I heard about his passing. It didn't seem possible that he could be gone. He was one of the most decent, caring, helpful, inspirational, intelligent, hard working and immensely competent humans I have ever met. And the single person I believe is most responsible for the joyful life I am fortunate to live. I will miss him dearly, as will so many others.
Jeffry S. Abrams
Houston, Texas
Thank you for the years you dedicated to teaching our students at Texas Law. We will miss his calming presence and wonderful spirit. He enriched the lives of his students and made the world a better place for sending them out with such a valuable skill.
Tracy McCormack
Univ of Texas Austin
I had the honor of practicing law with Walter and his wife,Daphne, in the late 80s and early 90s. He was truly a pioneer in the mediation field, but more importantly, an exceptionally kind and compassionate person. A wonderful mentor and friend. He was a person of sterling character who earned the respect and admiration of all who knew him. He will be truly missed. Our condolences to his family.
James B. Jameson
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
I knew Walter as a kind, intelligent, empathetic person; a pleasure to work with. Walter made a difference in people’s lives as an attorney, mediator, professor and as a friend. RIP
Jo Ellen Korthals
San Marcos
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Prof. Wright.
He truly is a legend amongst alumni for the high standards he expected of legal studies students, especially for thesis prep / legal research and writing. He remains one of my favorite professors. His organization was above par and he always answered all student questions. He was kind to help me with Spanish interpretations for our law library webpage.
I pray the Wright family finds peace and comfort at this difficult time. Respect, Prof. Wright! I'll miss you!
I will never forget when Dr. Crossett had a concert in the square and Dr. Wright paid for all of our drinks and appetizers. He was also in my panel when I presented my ARP and complimented me on my research (he said he actually learned something new!) May his wonderful soul rest in peace. Thank you Dr. Wright.
Marianne Hibler
San Diego, CA
It was a privilege to get to know Walter and work with him during mediation trainings at the DRC in Austin. I was always struck by his curiosity and generosity. He truly wanted to understand and help people. He was a man of his word and was always repectful and kind. He is sorely missed. I'm so grateful to have known him. My most sincere condolences to his family and friends and all that knew and loved him.
Lisa Weger
Dr. Wright was one of the most impactful faculty members I had the privilege of learning from. When I first took his classes in the Legal Studies program, I had never encountered someone who cared so deeply—not just about us as students, but as individuals beyond the program.
My project in the Legal Studies program ignited a deep sense of commitment to furthering my education. After a year of working for the state, I applied to a Ph.D. program, which I am now halfway through. None of this would have been possible without Dr. Wright’s guidance, encouragement, and unwavering commitment to helping me develop my skills and knowledge.
Dr. Wright wasn’t just a teacher; he helped me realize my full potential—something I hope to continue carrying forward. He didn’t just mentor another student; he provided a path for someone without a roadmap to follow. His lessons on mediation and the importance of bringing people together for meaningful dialogue have been instrumental in my success, particularly in positions focused on bipartisan collaboration.
My deepest condolences to his family—he was truly the best in all regards.
Sarai Benitez
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dr. Wright was my professor first in 2003 and again in 2023 when I finally finished my masters. Dr. Wright's love of the Bluebook was contagious. I still fondly think of him whenever I use it. He was an inspiring professor and a wonderful person, who helped me tremendously. He is already missed.
Anchorage, Alaska
Professor Wright truly made a huge impact on my life, because of him I now have the opportunity to become an attorney and change the trajectory of my entire family's life in the generations to come. He was very kind, and gave the best life advice that I still apply day in and day out.
His course was one of my favorites as a graduate student and I learned tremendously in that class.
His belief in me is something that has propelled my success, I am very saddened to hear about his passing. I look to the good memories, and when times get tough I will remember his encouraging words. For this, I thank him and am grateful to have crossed paths with him. May he rest in peace.
Madeline Machlab
Houston, TX
I echo all the wonderful statements by the other posters. Walter was an inspiration to me. When he spoke, people listened. I will miss seeing him at future TAM conferences and other professional events. My condolences to his family and friends. May the good memories you have offer some comfort during this difficult period.
Fran Brochstein
Marble Falls, Texas
I extend my deepest condolences to Dr. Wright's family and loved ones. I was in several of his classes while in the legal studies program at Texas State. It seems impossible to put into words how impactful his mentorship has been for me and many of my peers. He truly wanted all of us to succeed and enjoy the process while doing so. When it came time for me to complete the applied research project for graduation, Dr. Wright's guidance and patience was unwavering. Even when next steps seemed out of reach, he was a reassuring presence through to the end. I was beyond grateful when he asked to add my final project to the folder he kept of former students' work to assist the next round of students. While it is difficult to encapsulate all of the meaningful contributions Dr. Wright had on my educational and professional career, I am deeply thankful for every bit. With a heavy heart, I cherish his memory and hope his legacy is forever memorialized.
Avery Langster
Washington, DC
Walter was a bright light in a new place for me when I started out at Texas State on the tenure track and I felt intimidated and unsure of myself. He was always kind and thoughtful and gave great advice, and he was welcoming and inclusive. When we were on committees together I would always appreciate his wisdom and judiciousness. I also appreciated the translation work he was doing during the tumultuous 2016 admin for those in distress. I can't think of a better definition of a scholar and a gentleman. I am praying for him and his family during this time and I am blessed to have known him.
Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo
New Braunfels
I didn't know Walter professionally. I knew him through his wonderful wife, Daphne. Daphne and I went to law school together at the University of Houston. I remember Daphne telling me she had met a great guy and things were getting serious. I attended their wedding. Walter reached out to me when he was considering applying for the position at Texas State because I was a professor at the University of Houston Downtown. I encouraged him to apply...and the rest is history. I so enjoyed reading all the tributes from his colleagues and students. It's clear he was an exceptional teacher, really one in a million! My heart goes out to Daphne and the kids. Daphne was Walter's foundation and his wisest counsel.
Barbara Belbot
Gracias por tantos momentos compartidos como amigo para mi y mi familia, mis alumnos de la universidad, para los colegas de mediación, los agremiados de COMFAMASC AC, para la Facultad de Derecho de la UASLP, para nuestro México y el mundo entero de la mediación.
Gracias por sus enseñanzas en todos los aspectos de la vida y ética de la mediación y nuestra profesión, que guardaré por siempre y compartiré como nuestro gran colega y amigo Walter. Descanse en paz y brille para Él la luz perpetua celestial.
Dios de fortaleza a su esposa y familia asi como a todos lo que lo apreciamos. 🙏🏼
Aracely Rojas
Profesora de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
Presidenta de COMFAMASC, AC.
Aracely Rojas
México y Rockwall Tx.
Walter was a treasure trove of kindness, intelligence, and common sense. He advanced the true form of mediation, especially in Texas. As Walter taught and realized, mediation was an invaluable tool for the legal field and promoted the opportunity with gusto in English and Spanish. The shock of his demise will always be mitigated by the strong legacy that will always be his guiding light and integrity for mediation professionals.
May his memory be eternal and bring blessings and fond memories for all of us who will keep him in our hearts with best practice.
Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso
Walter and I were at about the same level in our careers, and we struck up a friendship back when Political Science was in the Evans LA Building. Once or twice a year we would run into each other on campus or wherever, and catch up. This year we sat together at graduation. We talked about our families and our careers; he told me how happy he was at this point in his life. He always had a way to make me feel good about life, San Marcos, and the world. I will miss Walter.
Britt Bousman
San Marcos
I am devastated at the lose of Professor Wright. He was a brilliant man who was such an inspiration to me and many others. I took his ADR course when I was in the program many years ago and I still carry those lessons with me and use the skills that I learned almost daily in my workplace. Texas State has lost a brilliant asset to the Legal Studies program and the universe has lost a compassionate servant who shared his skills and knowledge worldwide to help build bridges with dispute resolution. I am so sorry and send my deepest condolences to his family, friends and the ADR community.
Stella L.
San Marcos
Dr. Wright was such a supportive friend and colleague who had a positive impact on so many students and colleagues. He always put others before himself.
I was fortunate enough to attend Dr. Wright's Legal Studies courses at Texas State University. In the program, there were legal theory, mediation and the masters thesis courses.
He did a superb job teaching mediation skills and practices, having us read "Getting Past No" and "Getting to Yes," among other books for our class. He also held role playing sessions where we went through practices of mediation sessions and implemented the theories and concepts he taught us in the course. After each role playing session, he discussed the concepts we learned and was always open to student feedback.
In the legal theory course, he had students select a topic of interest to research and write about. It was during this class that I researched workplace bullying and decided to write my paper on that topic.
He reminded me to keep researching and digging deeper to leave no stone unturned in my research. That's when I came across German websites that described mobbing (a form of bullying) and I mentioned it to him. So he told me to keep researching further to find everything I could on the topic.
This encouraged me to research many websites and to order journal articles (when the topic of mobbing was virtually unknown here in the U.S.) Most of the journals were in German and back then, websites didn't have language translator tabs.
Dr. Wright encouraged me to keep looking and to keep researching, then I finally found some European materials in English. If not for Dr. Wright's encouragement, I would have never found all the materials I needed for writing my paper.
In his legal thesis course, I continued researching and writing about mobbing and he extended my graduate date - to be sure the masters thesis was at a level of writing required for graduating with a masters degree at Texas State.
Because of all of Dr. Wright's help and encouragement to make sure my legal writing reached the masters thesis acceptance level, I took the writing skills that he taught me and applied for a fellowship. Sponsored by the American Council on Germany, I traveled throughout Germany interviewing mobbing experts, self-help group participants, psychiatrists, clergy, mediators, union representatives, and support hotline professionals.
With all of the information and interviews from the fellowship, I wrote a book about mobbing.
None of this would have happened without Walter Wright's leadership, encouragement and mentoring.
Dr. Wright always had something positive and encouraging to say to others and especially to colleagues in the legal studies and mediation community. He will be dearly missed and remembered for the positive impact he has made on so many others.
Valerie Atkinson
I am deeply saddened by Walter's passing away. I am still in shock and disbelief that someone as selfless, kind and compassionate as him is not in our midst and was taken away rather suddenly. I will cherish the time spent with him at the university. I benefited immensely from his wisdom on many work related matters. It was a pleasure to hear him talk about his passion for photography and communicating in Spanish. He had an extraordinary ability to uplift those around him, always offering warmth and positivity. My condolences to his family, friends and loved ones during this difficult time. He will be greatly missed!
Nandhini Rangarajan
Austin, TX
I had the honor of being one of Dr. Wright's students back in 2013/2014. He sparked a passion within me for mediation and conflict resolution. It is with great sadness that I learned of his passing. My condolences to his friends, family, colleagues, and fellow students.
Kristy K
College Station, TX
Dr. Wright was a professor who truly cared. I had the privilege of taking multiple courses with him, and during my first semester in the legal studies program, I’ll never forget one particular moment. It was our first time presenting case briefs in class, identifying the relevant issues and reasoning. After my presentation, Dr. Wright expressed his surprise, saying I had covered everything he intended to discuss. He told the class, “I hope you all were listening because we’re moving on.” From then on, it made me work that much harder and I slowly began to see my confidence in my abilities rise because of the positive feedback that maybe wouldn't much to someone else, but stuck with me. That moment is one of the reasons that gave me confidence to pursue law school after my masters program.
Dr. Wright was a wonderful man who deeply cared for his students. He created a welcoming environment in his classes, especially for the Hispanic community, and his kindness and dedication will always be remembered. We are forever grateful to have learned from him.
Sabrina S
Lubbock, Texas
Dr. Wright was an amazing professor I had the blessing and opportunity to learn from. He will always be one of my best mentors and great friend who encouraged me to follow my academic dreams to go to law school. I took several of his classes and learned so much about his life, his love for his family, and his great care for his friends and students. I am grateful to have met such a kind soul and I know anyone who had cross paths with him would say the same. I appreciate all the lessons and wisdom Dr. Wright shared with me and I will keep working on being the best person he believed me to be.
Heidi Muñoz
Texas State
Professor Wright was such an amazing person and a great mentor. I still remember when I went into his office and asked him to be the faculty advisor for a brand new organization I wanted to start at TXST. He wholeheartedly agreed, and became such a great resource for us at the Black Pre-Law Association. He gave me so much advice and later wrote my letter of recommendation for law school. I still have an email in my drafts to update him on how my first year of law school is going. I wish I sent it earlier so he could have known that I am doing well. I offer my deepest condolences to his family and everyone who was affected by his passing. Professor, you were an amazing person and an amazing teacher. Thank you so much for everything! Rest in peace.
Kenny Anagbogu
Boston, MA
I had the pleasure of taking multiple classes with Dr. Wright. I learned very quickly that he was organised, diligent, extremely intelligent, and above all, caring. He had a sense of humour that always made me smile in classes. Dr. Wright was always understanding of his students and made every effort he could to engage us in the class materials. His advice will stay with me for the rest of my life because was the best professor and mentor I have had.
Kate Malazonia
San Marcos, Texas
I am deeply saddened to hear the news about Dr. Wright. I had the privilege of being one of his students and will never forget his passion, joy and enthusiasm he brought to the classroom every single day. May he rest in peace, and my condolences out to his family.
Texas State
I had the privilege of being a student of Professor Wright’s for the Fall 2024 semester. It was my first day at the legal studies program, and he was my first class. I will always remember how, when Prof Wright entered the room, there was an immediate sense of respect that followed. His polite yet profound intelligence commanded it, not through words, but through his presence and the thoughtful way he engaged with all of us. He had a way of encouraging students to look toward the future, and I will cherish his gracious, purposeful advice. He was a source of great experience that I feel honored to have met at the start of my legal career. He absolutely had the jokes! His passing is deeply felt, and my thoughts are with his family during this time.
My heart goes out to Dr. Wright’s family. Dr. Wright was an amazing human and professor! He taught me soo much in my Masters program and for that I am forever grateful. My writing significantly improved after taking Dr. Wright’s class. He opened my eyes to so many things and different points of view. I’m so thankful I took his classes in my Legal Studies program, because it gave me the opportunity to meet him. Last year I was unemployed and I reached out to Dr. Wright to ask if he knew anyone looking to hire a paralegal. He went out of his way to reach out to friends and colleagues just to help me. He was such a kind soul and I will always remember the impact he had on my life. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Ariana Burgess (Truhlar)
Dr. Wright was a great professor but overall a great person in general. He was so helpful when I, as a student had any doubts. Such a thoughtful profesor and went above and beyond to help his students. I wish him and his family peace during this tough time. Thank for everything Dr. Wright!
Texas State University
I had the privilege of taking Dr. Wright's ADR course in the Legal Studies program during COVID. Classes were still fully remote, and he had provided some of his own copies of the required texts to students by mail who needed them. In my copy, I found a lovely thank-you note from a former student that I don't believe he saw, so I attached my own note when I returned the book at the end of the course, basically thanking him for all the opportunities to interact and connect that he provided to us during a time of so much isolation. He reached out after the semester to let me know he received both notes and was grateful for them. He was a phenomenal educator, an incredibly kind human, and I will remember him fondly. Sending lots of love to his friends and family.
Karli Moore
Salado, Texas
There are not enough words to express the immense impact Dr. Wright had on my life. He was a brilliant mentor, advisor and overall friend as the years past on after graduate school.
He wrote countless letters of recommendations for me for law school and was always enthusiastic to hear back about my journey, regardless of the hurdles. I still have all of his edits and work we reviewed during my thesis and I can still hear him tell me "if you feel like you're writing in circles, that's a good thing. It means you're not trying to reinvent the wheel!"
We exchanged photos of our ofrendas in honor of Día de Los Muertos and discussed the different plans we had each time the holiday approached. I'm honored to have crossed paths with Dr. Wright and have been his student. While I'm deeply saddened by his passing, and send my condolences to his family, I'll be adding his photo and memory to my ofrenda this year to continue spreading his light to everyone I know. 🤍
Olivia Acosta
Washington, D.C.
I was fortunate to meet Dr. Wright last semester at Texas State. He was passionate about our pursuit of a career in the legal profession. He encouraged us to do our best and gave us other career options to consider. In his last email to us, he told us that he admired us all. I will cherish that email and will think of him as I start my paralegal journey. I will make him proud.
Praying for peace and comfort for his family.
Valerie Francois
Texas State Student
I'm on the executive board for BPLA which Walter advised, and from the short time that I spent with him, he was very kind. He will be dearly missed.
Amber Weatherton
San Marcos
Walter was a bright light in any conversation. He was generous, supportive, and even offered his office for an out-of-town, neutral location for a mediation. His soul lit up when he spoke of his friends and colleagues from Mexico. He contributed so much to the Mexican DR community, the TAM community, his TSU students, and so much more. My deepest sympathies to his family during this very painful time. We will truly miss Walter's friendship and contributions.
Patricia Porter
San Antonio
May you rest in peace🙏🏼 Thank you for your service to the community. May the Lord Bless you and your family. I learned so much from you and I thank you.
Martha S Peña
Conroe Texas
My deepest condolences to Walter's family and friends. I am still in a state of shock over this devastating news. I had the pleasure of working with Walter when he did mediation and outreach work for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I will always remember Walter's kind heart and gentle spirit. He was one of a kind. Rest in peace, my dear friend.
Kathy Perez
San Antonio, Texas
There really is not enough space for me to let Walter and his family know how lucky I am to have known him. I will do my best to sum it up. A little over 22 years ago, I had just finished my BA in English at SWT and was thinking about a career in the law but with no idea what that meant or how to really get there. I met Walter and asked him about the Master's department legal studies program at SWT and, long story short, he convinced me it was a good first step for me. He then mentored me for the better part of two years. Gosh I can still recall driving to his home office in Austin dozens of time after I got off work to talk shop and to work on being a better legal writer and legal thinker. Feels like yesterday. I took a number of courses with him as my professor (including ADR) and finished with my masters in Legal Studies spring of 2004. I doubt Walter really knew what kind of impact he had on my professional journey (or on the dozens of other students that he willingly helped so selflessly). When I decided to go to law school a year later, he was one of the first people I told and he again gave me great advice along the way. Much of his advice and mentoring serves as a foundation for what I do professionally today. I can honestly say that I would not be sitting in my office in Houston, practicing law and serving as the managing partner for the Houston office of a national law firm without Walter. I know I've said it to him many times over the years, but as he earned his wings, I'll say it again. Thank you Walter. Rest in peace my friend.
Isaac Villarreal
Walter became my friend while serving as Vice-Chair of the SBOT Collaborative Law Section's CL/ADR Innovations Team. Walter's high intellect and deep knowledge and extensive experience with our subject matter was invaluable to our Team. All of our Team Members are deeply saddened by his lose. He is not replaceable! On behalf of all our Team Members, I extend our deep condolences and best wishes for the journey through the grieving process for all of Walter's family, friends, and colleagues.
Richard A Shannon
Austin, TX
This is such heartbreaking news. I had the privilege of spending time with Walter in Buenos Aires where he served as my guide, interpreter, translator and diplomatic envoy to make sure that I did not make any missteps. He was so kind and patient and I knew I had made a true friend. He was a quiet giant in the mediation world and I always looked forward to seeing him. He always spoke of his beloved family and my deepest sympathies to them on losing such a wonderful member of their clan. The world has lost a dear soul and heaven has gained a shining star. Walter will be greatly missed.
Courtenay Bass
Dallas, Tx
Walter was such a gentleman to know. Gentle in so many ways but definitely a man who loved ADR and Mediation and was willing to stand up for it spread throughout Texas and all of the Spanish-speaking countries where he reached out I am so sorry to hear of his passing. My God richly bless his family.
Cecilia Morgan
I received a training with Walter about neuroscience and negotiation and it was just amazing, the way he used to teach.
Rest in peace
Rosa Abdelnour
Costa Rica
I am still trying to come to terms that my friend and fellow mediator has gained his wings.
I met Walter in 2013 when he was a contract Spanish mediator for TWC-Civil Rights Division, and I was starting my career there. From that first meeting, our friendship grew. I was even invited to speak to his Graduate ADR classes every semester. I never missed that opportunity just to hang out with his classes and him. His students really respected him as a person and teacher. My co-workers who attended his training to obtain their 40-hours mediation certificate loved his classes. I just explained to them that, how Walter was during those training was who he is in person. Just a kind, caring, wonder person.
The TAM conferences will just not be the same without his smiling face and “Never met a Stranger” personality. I know he will be there in spirit but I’m selfish, I would rather see him.
Rest in Peace my Dear Friend Walter.
Marci Y. Anavitarte-Jordan
Austin, TX
Please accept my deepest sympathies to Mr. Wright's family and friends. I am truly saddened to here of his passing. I had the great pleasure of learning from and working with Mr. Wright in the field of dispute resolution. I was particularly impressed by his work on cross cultural and multicultural dispute resolution. I learned a tremendous amount from his outstanding presentations and mentorship. His intellect, demeanor, and skill set will be truly missed. Un fuerte abrazo Walter! Saludos.
Arturo Aviles
Austin, Texas
I was so heartbroken to hear of Walter’s unexpected passing. As a provider of mediation training for the DRC (Travis County), I had the pleasure of watching him connect with aspiring mediators via his vast knowledge of both academic study and experiential practice of the field. Aside from his collegial support, we enjoyed a common affection for northern New Mexico. Upon my retirement last year, he bid me farewell with a promise to visit us in Santa Fe when he found himself nearby in Albuquerque. It saddens me to realize that will not happen.
I pray that the warmth of Walter’s memories and the pride in his accomplished contributions to his field of expertise brings comfort to all of us who remain and, especially, to his loved ones.
Kris Donley
Santa Fe, NM
I will remember Walter as a scholar, a mediation professional, and a friend. He was always a caring and kind person, with great love for our mediation profession. He was extremely professionally accomplished, yet humble and approachable to talk with anytime. My sincerest condolences to his family, very respectfully, Ernesto.
Ernesto Escobedo
San Antonio
I have been in a state of shock since Christmas eve. It’s hard to imagine our mediation community without Walter Wright, not only in Texas, but throughout the country and the world. He was truly a gentleman and a gentle man. I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone. He was always calm and wise and patient and caring. His depth of knowledge about mediation and the law was profound. Yet, he was humble and giving and willing to share his knowledge with all of us who had the great good fortune to know him.
I first met Walter more than twenty years ago when Josefina Rendón introduced him to me. I believe they attended law school together and have been great friends ever since. Over the years since that meeting I asked Walter for his help many times, and he always gave of his time and talent willingly and on-time. I was the TAM newsletter editor twice – the last time for seven years. Walter provided me with many well-written, thoughtful mediation articles for the newsletter during that time – a number that he wrote himself and some that he asked his mediation friends from around the world to write for our International Mediators column. In addition, he gladly shared beautiful photographs he had taken during TAM’s annual conferences for publication in the newsletter. He also came to our rescue several times when the Austin Mediators Association needed a speaker at the last minute. He was always there – ready and willing to serve. He will be sorely missed – both professionally and as a good friend.
Goodbye, Walter. I’ll miss you.
Linda Gibson
Temple, Texas
Walter A. Wright was a great teacher, a humble man, and an epitome of kindness. He was a rare gem and a voice to be reckoned with in the field of mediation. You will be greatly missed, especially by people like me, whom you greatly touched.
My first mediation training was under you, and I never regretted it. I looked forward to every day of the training and hoped each class never ended. You gave us all a teacher could give his students, with enthusiasm and kindness and that gave me the courage to face my mediation practice without hesitation.
I pray for the entire family you left behind, loved ones, and TAM family that God gives everyone the fortitude to bear this loss.
Rest on W.A.W- (Walter A. Wright) Rest on!!
Fola Adeleye
The Woodlands, TX
I am so sad to hear of Walter's passing. I remember his energy, his enthusiasm for conflict resolution and the board meetings we had in Austin. I know that my life has been enriched by being a part of TAM and knowing Walter. The admiration that the association has for him is second to none, and he will be very much missed. Rest in peace, dear Walter, as you brought so much peace to the people that you mediated and associated with in TAM.
Jill McKibben
Houston TX
I never had the privilege of meeting Walter, yet I had the privilege of hearing him speak so many times on so many varied and valuable topics on mediation, that I sense a deep loss of this great pioneer to our profession. I'm grateful for the trail he blazed in bringing mediation from it's infancy to the ethical and honorable profession it is today, and from which we all benefit. My sincere condolences to Walter's family, his dear friends and his colleagues who all love him so.
Dana Garnett
Dallas, TX USA
Que brille en la luz Walter Wright, sobresaliente profesor, mediador, amigo y sobre todo un generoso ser humano siempre colaborador, dispuesto a ayudar y entregar lo mejor de sí mismo. Siempre le recordaremos por su espíritu alegre y jovial.
Vuela alto Walter!
Paola de la Rosa
I am sending my deepest condolences and prayers to the family of Walter Wright. I was blessed to have an engaging conversation with him during a recent training event that I will always cherish. During every encounter I had with him, he offered words of wisdom and encouragement that impacted me in a special way. The field of mediation will always remember his significant contributions, sense of humor, and most importantly, his humanity.
Patricia Bradley
San Antonio, TX
I regrettably never had a proper handshake introduction to Walter, but I owe him a great debt and although an email may be far from the best place to express this, there’s clearly no time like the present.
From the time I returned back to Texas with my bachelors in conflict resolution, I quickly took a deep dive in research to learn what my exact career options were and what exactly I needed to do to hold myself out as a Mediator. I joined TMCA and later, TAM. Walter’s opinion 675 was foundational as a refined my understanding on the field and its unique intersection with law and the practice of law. Now I know others are far more familiar with the history of the field, both in Texas and abroad, but I’m under the impression that Walter helped set the stage (with opinion 676, and I’m sure with efforts far, far beyond it) for mediation to grow into the rich multidisciplinary field it is now, thanks to his efforts to distinguish mediation as not constituting the practice of law.
Having acknowledged his great efforts, without Walter and others like him, I would have returned to Texas with unclear and risky guidelines that do not exactly entice and young graduate to enter the field — or worse, I would have found a clear answer that one must be an attorney to enter into the field. While I have a profound passion for this field, either of those positions could have easily redirected me into an adjacent field, such as Human Resources; I simply would have chosen against attending law school, as I had yet to develop as much passion for this field at that point. Thankfully I was able to enter the field, learn among tremendous minds with generous hearts, and help parties in dispute all without a law degree… all thanks in enormous part to Walter.
My condolences go out to his family and close friends. The field signs deeply this evening, though we stand atop a mountain of gratitude.
Alec Chapa
San Antonio, TX
Walter Wright was one of a kind. The news of his passing has saddened me so much, and I send my sincerest sympathies to Daphne and the family. I feel honored to have gotten to work with Walter as a coach for basic mediation training at the DRC for many years. He was a natural and gifted teacher, always encouraging and supportive, and a wonderful mentor. Everyone loved his mediation stories. I will miss his wisdom and the kindness that he shared so readily. Walter also magically reunited my family with a scholarship fund at Texas State University that had been started for my stepfather, Dale W. Hardin, a former professor. Walter had been generously donating to the scholarship over the years. He had fond memories of my stepfather and it was so wonderful to know someone who remembered him so well. And because he told me of the scholarship, my husband and I were able to endow the fund. In 2022, we witnessed the first of many recipients. My mother, Sandy Hardin, and I are forever grateful to Walter for his diligent contributions to the fund over the years and for reconnecting us with it so it could have a meaningful impact on TXST students. Walter will forever be one of the best human beings I have ever known.
Stacy K Alexander
Professor Wright was a remarkable educator, an empathetic human being, and a kind-hearted individual. I had the privilege of being his student during my master's program, and every time I saw his name on my class schedule, I felt a surge of excitement. He was not only one of the best educators I had ever encountered but also a captivating storyteller. His life experiences were always enthralling.
His unwavering support enabled me to graduate, and his quiet belief in me gave me the strength to persevere. Thank you, Dr. Wright (although you preferred not to be called Dr.). Rest in peace.
Vanessa Garcia
Dallas Texas
Walter was my instructor at the DRC when I was in the beginning stages of my mediation career. We have lost an amazing, talented and giving individual. He was always willing to stay late and offer guidance whenever needed, while offering encouragement with a never ending smile. He will be missed by many. My deepest sympathies to the family.
Bettye Benten
Austin, Texas
Mis mas sinceras condolencias para su esposa Daphne ,Walker , Camille y sus nietos por la perdida del estimado Walter.Haberlo conocido fue una gran bendicion.Hace 29 años que lo conozco y siempre mi admiracion se ha acrecentado desde que fui su alumna en Mediacion.Una gran perdida como ser humano como Mediador y como docente y como amigo
Una calidad humana pocas veces vista.Mis oraciones estan con Walter y con su querida familia.Un abrazo grande!!!
We are truly moved by the news and we want to extend our hug to you, dear Daphne and Walker. We know that you will understand our regret because we have lost a true friend, always attentive, always generous, always willing to lend a hand and, above all, always willing to share good times with our entire family and to share with yours. We ask you to give us a contact so we can communicate directly with you. It may be through the contact that Walter had on his cell phone or by email to
Daily we raise our prayers so that God has him in his glory, he has been an exemplary person. Alba and Mario de Almeida.
Alba y Mario de Almeida
Deepest condolences to the family. Walter was an inspiration to all that knew him.
Ron Murray
Austin, Texas
I just received this heartbreaking news. There is so much to say, for now I'll lead with where I start with Walter. He helped me get my first teaching job at Texas State in the early 2000s. Put simply, I owe an enormous debt to Walter, and can only hope I honor his confidence, friendship and memory through good works and attempts to follow his example. Love to all.
Jeff Jury
Presently traveling overseas; otherwise, Austin
Mis condolencias a la familia Wright, continuará en nuestra vidas con sus enseñanzas y sus pensamientos escritos.
Rosario Martell
Pocas personas aparecen en el mundo con tanta personalidad de bondad como el profesor, lo conocí en un curso de Abaroli México, conocí únicamente su lado académico, pero resultará un recuerdo grato a la familia, saber que muchos recordamos a Walter, por su gran calidad humana en la enseñanza, sus principios de paz, aprendí en su persona que la sabiduría tiene una profunda sencillez, que motiva cálidamente a los demás, su enseñanza no solo era académica, si no que dejaba en todos una semilla para ser un mejor ser humano, el ahora vive en ustedes, que en afecto del recuerdo encuentren consuelo.✨
Mildred Gamboa
Veracruz México
I remember Walter as a great friend who would always greet with me with a warm smile and with respect. A graceful giver of his time and wisdom, a teacher, a mentor, and a leader of mediation, and dispute resolution. He was a passionate defender of the mediation process and a fierce advocate for quality and ethical mediations and dispute resolution for all backgrounds and cultures. I am a better person because Walter was a part of my life.
John P. Palmer
Walter Wright was one of the most kind, thoughtful, decent and caring human beings I ever had the pleasure of meeting and knowing. As a colleague in the development of mediation and dispute resolution, Walter was a leader and inspirational to many. His work and teaching will continue to inspire for decades to come and he will be sorely missed . Walter was the kind of person we all aspire to be . Condolences to Walter’s family and to all of his colleagues who considered him a dear friend. May Walter’s memory be a blessing. Eric Galton
Eric Galton
En representación de todos los agremiados del Colegio Mexicano de Mecanismos Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos, AC. y como presidenta de la junta directiva de COMFAMASC. AC. Así como leal y fiel seguidora de nuestro muy apreciado amigo Walter A. Wright quien ha trascendido a un mundo mejor en camino con nuestro padre celestial.
Expresamos nuestro pesar y muy sentido pésame a la familia de uno de los grandes precursores de la Mediación.
Con su generosidad, honestidad y sincero apego a los valores que rigen los MASC. Nos deja un legado, lo tendremos presente; honrando su memoria, seguiremos el ejemplo de su espíritu de servicio y disposición que tuvo para todo aquel que por fortuna pudo conocerle y tratarle.
Reiteramos el compromiso con la construcción de La Paz a través de la justicia Alternativa, mediante la práctica de la mediación.
Dr. Walter A. Wright nos deja mediante sus enseñanzas y ejemplo de vida este gran Legado.
Descanse en Paz, un amigo, un colega, un gran ser humano en todos los distintos roles de su vida.
Lo guardamos presente en México. 🇲🇽
Dios de fortaleza a su familia y expresamos nuestro muy sentido pesar a su esposa, hijos y nietos y a toda su familia que le sobrevive y para Èl que brille la luz celestial a perpetuidad.
Colegio Mexicano de facilitadores en Mecanismos Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos AC.
Dallas Tx. Y San Luis Potosí México.
Walter was one of a kind. He was dedicated to making this world a better place, and was generous with his time and efforts towards that effort. The world and our profession has lost a true leader and gentleman scholar. He will be greatly missed, but always remembered.
Anita Savage
Dallas, Texas
Se ha ido una extraordinaria persona, gran mediador y estupendo amigo, Walter Wright. 😢💔
Recibo la noticia de que emprendió el viaje de regreso a la casa del padre 🙏🏻
Recibí la noticia en Acapulco, donde me contó se enamoró de México en los 70’s en un viaje como estudiante, una larga historia no solo con México pero Latinoamérica.
Quienes no lo conocieron les cuento en breve, que fue un buen hombre:
GENEROSO: Siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás sin medida o esperar algo a cambio.
AUTENTICO: Siempre fue la misma persona, nunca de más ni de menos, sencillo y humilde.
CONGRUENTE: Fue un hombre que llevaba a las acciones lo que decía, de los pocos que conozco que fue fiel a sus principios y valores en esta difícil profesión de la mediación.
PRUDENTE: Jamás los escuché quejarse de algo ni menos hablar mal de nadie.
BUENA COMPAÑÍA: Walter fue un gran conversador pero sobre todo buena oreja para escuchar a los demás.
PROFESIONAL: Amaba su profesión y todo lo que hacía lo hacía con un alto estándar.
PROFESOR: Dedicó su vida a la enseñanza, me comentó que se estaba preparando para el retiro, nunca pensé fuera así. Dejo a generaciones de alumnos que acompaño en su formación, un maestro querido y que seguro lo van a extrañar en Texas State University, así como en la comunidad de mediadores en Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica.
Fue un esposo devoto y un padre amoroso.
Gran pérdida para la mediación en Texas a unos de sus pioneros, en México y Latinoamérica dejó gran enseñanza y muchos amigos que lo vamos a echar mucho de menos.
Se fue el día de los Santos Inocentes, la inocencia la podemos también definir como la ausencia de malicia, Walter fue un hombre así, bueno y sin malicia.
Más de 25 años de amistad nos unen, se le recordará siempre como el gran hombre que fue.
An extraordinary person, great mediator and wonderful friend, Walter Wright, has left us. 😢💔
I received the news that he undertook the trip back to his father's house 🙏🏻
I received the news in Acapulco, where he told me that he fell in love with Mexico in the 70's on a trip as a student, a long history not only with Mexico but Latin America.
For those who did not know him, I will tell you briefly that he was a good man:
GENEROUS: Always willing to help others without measure or expect something in return.
AUTHENTIC: He was always the same person, never more or less, simple and humble.
CONGRUENT: He was a man who put into action what he said, one of the few I know who was faithful to his principles and values in this difficult profession of mediation.
PRUDENT: I never heard him complain about anything or speak badly of anyone.
GOOD COMPANY: Walter was a great conversationalist but above all a good ear for listening to others.
PROFESSIONAL: He loved his profession and everything he did he did with a high standard.
PROFESSOR: He dedicated his life to teaching, he told me that he was preparing for retirement, I never thought it would be like that. He left behind generations of students that he accompanied in their training, a beloved teacher who will surely be missed at Texas State University, as well as in the mediation community in the United States and Latin America.
He was a devoted husband and a loving father.
A great loss for mediation in Texas, one of its pioneers, in Mexico and Latin America he left behind great teaching and many friends who will miss him very much.
He left on the day of the Holy Innocents, innocence can also be defined as the absence of malice, Walter was a man like that, good and without malice.
More than 25 years of friendship unite us, he will always be remembered as the great man that he was.
RIP 🙏🏻
Rafael Lobo Niembro
It was such a shock and sorrow to learn of Walter's death during the Christmas holidays. I served on several State Bar of Texas committees with Walter, and he was also a colleague of mine at the University of Texas School of Law. He was truly irreplaceable, and he will be greatly missed. His kindness and generosity of spirit always made it such a pleasure to work with him, and his devotion to the field of alternative dispute resolution was unsurpassed. Walter was widely respected and admired by his colleagues, and I hope that his outstanding legacy will comfort his family as they grieve his passing.
Sara E. Saltmarsh
Austin, TX
Walter didn't know it, but he was someone who I thought was the coolest person in the world. Or, I may have expressed that to him and his modesty prevented him from accepting that compliment. He worked at a great university, had a soft voice that was powerful, his intellect showed without being pretentious, he had the best Zoom backgrounds (scenic photographs from his travels), and so much more. We had some opportunities to do some professional work together for the mediation community, and I am so appreciative of his time, energy, leadership, and most importantly, his servant's heart. I also have the opportunity to know his sister, Patsy, and her husband Roger, as Patsy and I work together. They are great people who so deeply care about others. We need more of that service and caring. Thank you, Walter, for the tremendous amount of time and energy you gave to not only the people of Texas, but around the world as you contributed to peacemaking in so many different ways. So many lives are better because of you. I'm thankful to God for not only having our paths cross, but for enabling you to do what you did because you loved the work and loved people. My condolences to your family and friends; I pray that God will provide peace and comfort.
Gene Roberts
Huntsville, Texas
Devastating. So many of us benefited so much from Walter. Steady, compassionate, wise...he was a rock.
Craig Bell
A visit with Walter Wright during TAM conferences was always a highlight for me. Each year, we laughed over our running joke about him being my “son.” That’s right—years ago, I gave birth to Walter’s mediation career, or so we liked to say. It all started when new mediators in Houston were organizing programs to introduce the public to mediation. Walter’s insatiable curiosity led him to meet with us. From the very first “Hello,”
spirit, attitude, and values marked him as an influential star in the mediation world.
Our annual conversations gave us a chance to catch up and share personal news. The most meaningful part of Walter’s life was not the performance we saw on the professional stage, but the work he did behind the scenes on the stage crew. He gave priority to being a loving, caring husband and father. It was important to meet the needs of his family and add pleasure to their lives. Somehow, he mastered the art of balancing it all.
Walter’s legacy shines through in his writings, speeches, and teachings, leaving an indelible mark on the mediation field worldwide. Each of us who knew him has our own superlatives to describe this extraordinary colleague.
As an educator, Walter imparted knowledge. As a leader, he encouraged us to follow. As role model, he inspired us to emulate his professional activities. The “Wright light” continues to illuminate the way, guiding us as we navigate our individual careers. To honor Walter, let us all strive to set our sights a little higher and carry forward the values he so beautifully embodied.
Submitted by Laury Adams,
Past President, Longest TAM member, and Recruiter
Laury Adams
Houston, TX