In Remembrance of Walter Wright
It is with heart-wrenching sadness that we share the passing of our colleague and friend, Walter A. Wright. Walter transitioned December 28 with his loved ones by his side following a devastating heart attack on Christmas Eve. Our understanding is that Walter’s memorial service is being planned for March in Austin. TAM will send out an announcement once details are available.
Please fill out the form below if you would like to write a condolence message to Walter’s family, share a fond memory, or provide a tribute to Walter’s unparalleled legacy. Your messages will be shared with Walter’s family, posted on this page, and may be included in any email about Walter sent to the TAM email distribution list and/or in a presentation honoring Walter at the 2025 TAM Professional Development Conference. If you would like to share photos, please email them to
Thank you for taking the time to share about this ever-beloved human!
Mis mas sinceras condolencias para su esposa Daphne ,Walker , Camille y sus nietos por la perdida del estimado Walter.Haberlo conocido fue una gran bendicion.Hace 29 años que lo conozco y siempre mi admiracion se ha acrecentado desde que fui su alumna en Mediacion.Una gran perdida como ser humano como Mediador y como docente y como amigo
Una calidad humana pocas veces vista.Mis oraciones estan con Walter y con su querida familia.Un abrazo grande!!!
We are truly moved by the news and we want to extend our hug to you, dear Daphne and Walker. We know that you will understand our regret because we have lost a true friend, always attentive, always generous, always willing to lend a hand and, above all, always willing to share good times with our entire family and to share with yours. We ask you to give us a contact so we can communicate directly with you. It may be through the contact that Walter had on his cell phone or by email to
Daily we raise our prayers so that God has him in his glory, he has been an exemplary person. Alba and Mario de Almeida.
Alba y Mario de Almeida
Deepest condolences to the family. Walter was an inspiration to all that knew him.
Ron Murray
Austin, Texas
I just received this heartbreaking news. There is so much to say, for now I'll lead with where I start with Walter. He helped me get my first teaching job at Texas State in the early 2000s. Put simply, I owe an enormous debt to Walter, and can only hope I honor his confidence, friendship and memory through good works and attempts to follow his example. Love to all.
Jeff Jury
Presently traveling overseas; otherwise, Austin
Mis condolencias a la familia Wright, continuará en nuestra vidas con sus enseñanzas y sus pensamientos escritos.
Rosario Martell
Pocas personas aparecen en el mundo con tanta personalidad de bondad como el profesor, lo conocí en un curso de Abaroli México, conocí únicamente su lado académico, pero resultará un recuerdo grato a la familia, saber que muchos recordamos a Walter, por su gran calidad humana en la enseñanza, sus principios de paz, aprendí en su persona que la sabiduría tiene una profunda sencillez, que motiva cálidamente a los demás, su enseñanza no solo era académica, si no que dejaba en todos una semilla para ser un mejor ser humano, el ahora vive en ustedes, que en afecto del recuerdo encuentren consuelo.✨
Mildred Gamboa
Veracruz México
I remember Walter as a great friend who would always greet with me with a warm smile and with respect. A graceful giver of his time and wisdom, a teacher, a mentor, and a leader of mediation, and dispute resolution. He was a passionate defender of the mediation process and a fierce advocate for quality and ethical mediations and dispute resolution for all backgrounds and cultures. I am a better person because Walter was a part of my life.
John P. Palmer
Walter Wright was one of the most kind, thoughtful, decent and caring human beings I ever had the pleasure of meeting and knowing. As a colleague in the development of mediation and dispute resolution, Walter was a leader and inspirational to many. His work and teaching will continue to inspire for decades to come and he will be sorely missed . Walter was the kind of person we all aspire to be . Condolences to Walter’s family and to all of his colleagues who considered him a dear friend. May Walter’s memory be a blessing. Eric Galton
Eric Galton
En representación de todos los agremiados del Colegio Mexicano de Mecanismos Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos, AC. y como presidenta de la junta directiva de COMFAMASC. AC. Así como leal y fiel seguidora de nuestro muy apreciado amigo Walter A. Wright quien ha trascendido a un mundo mejor en camino con nuestro padre celestial.
Expresamos nuestro pesar y muy sentido pésame a la familia de uno de los grandes precursores de la Mediación.
Con su generosidad, honestidad y sincero apego a los valores que rigen los MASC. Nos deja un legado, lo tendremos presente; honrando su memoria, seguiremos el ejemplo de su espíritu de servicio y disposición que tuvo para todo aquel que por fortuna pudo conocerle y tratarle.
Reiteramos el compromiso con la construcción de La Paz a través de la justicia Alternativa, mediante la práctica de la mediación.
Dr. Walter A. Wright nos deja mediante sus enseñanzas y ejemplo de vida este gran Legado.
Descanse en Paz, un amigo, un colega, un gran ser humano en todos los distintos roles de su vida.
Lo guardamos presente en México. 🇲🇽
Dios de fortaleza a su familia y expresamos nuestro muy sentido pesar a su esposa, hijos y nietos y a toda su familia que le sobrevive y para Èl que brille la luz celestial a perpetuidad.
Colegio Mexicano de facilitadores en Mecanismos Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos AC.
Dallas Tx. Y San Luis Potosí México.
Walter was one of a kind. He was dedicated to making this world a better place, and was generous with his time and efforts towards that effort. The world and our profession has lost a true leader and gentleman scholar. He will be greatly missed, but always remembered.
Anita Savage
Dallas, Texas
Se ha ido una extraordinaria persona, gran mediador y estupendo amigo, Walter Wright. 😢💔
Recibo la noticia de que emprendió el viaje de regreso a la casa del padre 🙏🏻
Recibí la noticia en Acapulco, donde me contó se enamoró de México en los 70’s en un viaje como estudiante, una larga historia no solo con México pero Latinoamérica.
Quienes no lo conocieron les cuento en breve, que fue un buen hombre:
GENEROSO: Siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás sin medida o esperar algo a cambio.
AUTENTICO: Siempre fue la misma persona, nunca de más ni de menos, sencillo y humilde.
CONGRUENTE: Fue un hombre que llevaba a las acciones lo que decía, de los pocos que conozco que fue fiel a sus principios y valores en esta difícil profesión de la mediación.
PRUDENTE: Jamás los escuché quejarse de algo ni menos hablar mal de nadie.
BUENA COMPAÑÍA: Walter fue un gran conversador pero sobre todo buena oreja para escuchar a los demás.
PROFESIONAL: Amaba su profesión y todo lo que hacía lo hacía con un alto estándar.
PROFESOR: Dedicó su vida a la enseñanza, me comentó que se estaba preparando para el retiro, nunca pensé fuera así. Dejo a generaciones de alumnos que acompaño en su formación, un maestro querido y que seguro lo van a extrañar en Texas State University, así como en la comunidad de mediadores en Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica.
Fue un esposo devoto y un padre amoroso.
Gran pérdida para la mediación en Texas a unos de sus pioneros, en México y Latinoamérica dejó gran enseñanza y muchos amigos que lo vamos a echar mucho de menos.
Se fue el día de los Santos Inocentes, la inocencia la podemos también definir como la ausencia de malicia, Walter fue un hombre así, bueno y sin malicia.
Más de 25 años de amistad nos unen, se le recordará siempre como el gran hombre que fue.
An extraordinary person, great mediator and wonderful friend, Walter Wright, has left us. 😢💔
I received the news that he undertook the trip back to his father's house 🙏🏻
I received the news in Acapulco, where he told me that he fell in love with Mexico in the 70's on a trip as a student, a long history not only with Mexico but Latin America.
For those who did not know him, I will tell you briefly that he was a good man:
GENEROUS: Always willing to help others without measure or expect something in return.
AUTHENTIC: He was always the same person, never more or less, simple and humble.
CONGRUENT: He was a man who put into action what he said, one of the few I know who was faithful to his principles and values in this difficult profession of mediation.
PRUDENT: I never heard him complain about anything or speak badly of anyone.
GOOD COMPANY: Walter was a great conversationalist but above all a good ear for listening to others.
PROFESSIONAL: He loved his profession and everything he did he did with a high standard.
PROFESSOR: He dedicated his life to teaching, he told me that he was preparing for retirement, I never thought it would be like that. He left behind generations of students that he accompanied in their training, a beloved teacher who will surely be missed at Texas State University, as well as in the mediation community in the United States and Latin America.
He was a devoted husband and a loving father.
A great loss for mediation in Texas, one of its pioneers, in Mexico and Latin America he left behind great teaching and many friends who will miss him very much.
He left on the day of the Holy Innocents, innocence can also be defined as the absence of malice, Walter was a man like that, good and without malice.
More than 25 years of friendship unite us, he will always be remembered as the great man that he was.
RIP 🙏🏻
Rafael Lobo Niembro
It was such a shock and sorrow to learn of Walter's death during the Christmas holidays. I served on several State Bar of Texas committees with Walter, and he was also a colleague of mine at the University of Texas School of Law. He was truly irreplaceable, and he will be greatly missed. His kindness and generosity of spirit always made it such a pleasure to work with him, and his devotion to the field of alternative dispute resolution was unsurpassed. Walter was widely respected and admired by his colleagues, and I hope that his outstanding legacy will comfort his family as they grieve his passing.
Sara E. Saltmarsh
Austin, TX
Walter didn't know it, but he was someone who I thought was the coolest person in the world. Or, I may have expressed that to him and his modesty prevented him from accepting that compliment. He worked at a great university, had a soft voice that was powerful, his intellect showed without being pretentious, he had the best Zoom backgrounds (scenic photographs from his travels), and so much more. We had some opportunities to do some professional work together for the mediation community, and I am so appreciative of his time, energy, leadership, and most importantly, his servant's heart. I also have the opportunity to know his sister, Patsy, and her husband Roger, as Patsy and I work together. They are great people who so deeply care about others. We need more of that service and caring. Thank you, Walter, for the tremendous amount of time and energy you gave to not only the people of Texas, but around the world as you contributed to peacemaking in so many different ways. So many lives are better because of you. I'm thankful to God for not only having our paths cross, but for enabling you to do what you did because you loved the work and loved people. My condolences to your family and friends; I pray that God will provide peace and comfort.
Gene Roberts
Huntsville, Texas
Devastating. So many of us benefited so much from Walter. Steady, compassionate, wise...he was a rock.
Craig Bell
A visit with Walter Wright during TAM conferences was always a highlight for me. Each year, we laughed over our running joke about him being my “son.” That’s right—years ago, I gave birth to Walter’s mediation career, or so we liked to say. It all started when new mediators in Houston were organizing programs to introduce the public to mediation. Walter’s insatiable curiosity led him to meet with us. From the very first “Hello,”
spirit, attitude, and values marked him as an influential star in the mediation world.
Our annual conversations gave us a chance to catch up and share personal news. The most meaningful part of Walter’s life was not the performance we saw on the professional stage, but the work he did behind the scenes on the stage crew. He gave priority to being a loving, caring husband and father. It was important to meet the needs of his family and add pleasure to their lives. Somehow, he mastered the art of balancing it all.
Walter’s legacy shines through in his writings, speeches, and teachings, leaving an indelible mark on the mediation field worldwide. Each of us who knew him has our own superlatives to describe this extraordinary colleague.
As an educator, Walter imparted knowledge. As a leader, he encouraged us to follow. As role model, he inspired us to emulate his professional activities. The “Wright light” continues to illuminate the way, guiding us as we navigate our individual careers. To honor Walter, let us all strive to set our sights a little higher and carry forward the values he so beautifully embodied.
Submitted by Laury Adams,
Past President, Longest TAM member, and Recruiter
Laury Adams
Houston, TX